Important Minyan Info
Chillel Hashem Warning: We only have permission to use these rooms for davening and only during those times. Use of the rooms during any other times or for any other reason will cause massive chillul hashem.
You do not have permission to make later minyan than the latest time posted.
You do not have permission to use any part of the convention center other than the deignated rooms, especially spilling out into the hallways (this is less strict in Camelback, but Kalahari minyan must be kept in the room)
Not following these guidlines will potentially put this complimentary space at risk and your davening is mitzva habaa b’aveyra.
Chabad of the Mountains made the arrangements and are hiring someone to bring a torah. Please donate accordingly for this incredible service and make sure to support their amazing year-round work in the area https://www.chabadofthemountains.com/donate
There is also a wonderful chabad yeshiva in Canadensis, PA (3333 Evergreen Lane) that has regular minyan every day.
Shacharis 940am, Mincha 230pm, Mariv 9pm
Midwinter Zmanim K'Hal-Ari (Kalahari Conference Center)
Week of 2/2 (WARNING: DO NOT SPILL OUT INTO THE HALLWAY. THEY KINDLY GAVE US A FREE ROOM, BUT THEY ASK THAT WE STAY INSIDE IT. If you see others not adhering, we need your help calling them out and asking them to comply)
Sunday (Zambezi Room in Conference Center)
Shacharis 830am
Mincha 1pm
Mincha/Mariv 505pm
Mariv 810pm by Café Mirage outside the waterpark/arcade. Mariv also after the Avraham Fried Concert.
Monday (Zambezi Room in Conference Center)
Shacharis 730am, (8am s’fardi minyan the right side of the room) 830am, 920am (NOTHING LATER. DONT. Drive to the yeshiva for 940am)
Mincha 1pm
Mincha/Mariv 505pm
Mariv 830pm
Tuesday (Orange Room)
Shacharis 830am, 930am (NOTHING LATER. DONT. Drive to the yeshiva for 940am)
Mincha/Mariv 505pm
Midwinter Zmanim Camelback (4th Floor (4r in the elevator))
Week of 2/2
Sunday (Conference Room AB )
Shacharis 730am
Mincha 1pm
Mincha/Mariv 505pm
Mariv 9pm
Shacharis 730am, 830am, 920am (no torah after 920am minyan)
Mincha 1pm
Mincha/Mariv 505pm
Mariv 830pm
Shacharis 830am
Mincha 1pm tbd
Mincha/Mariv 505pm tbd
Midwinter Zmanim Great Wolf
There is no official space to daven here. In the past, people find a stairwell, or someone with a suite let’s people use their porch.
All coordination of minyanim at Great Wolf can be organized via this whatsapp group
If you are coming with a torah, please post it in the group description.
If no minyan forms, feel free to join Kalahari, but please donate to Chabad.