Important Minyan Info
Chabad of the Mountains made the arrangements and are hiring someone to bring a torah. Please donate accordingly for this incredible service and make sure to support their amazing year-round work in the area https://www.chabadofthemountains.com/donate
Chillel Hashem Warning We only have permission to use these rooms for davening and only during those times. Use of the rooms during any other times or for any other reason will cause massive chillul hashem.
Midwinter Zmanim K'Hal-Ari (Kalahari Conference Center)
Week of 1/19
Mincha/Mariv 4:50pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Shacharis 8am and 9am
Mincha/Mariv 4:50pm
Shacharis 830am
Mincha/Mariv 4:50pm
Midwinter Zmanim Camelback (4th Floor)
Week of 1/19
Mincha/Mariv 4:50pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday:
Shacharis 830am
Mincha/Mariv 4:50pm
Shacharis (w/o torah) 830am, with torah at Kalahari Convention Center.
Mincha/Mariv 4:50pm
Midwinter Zmanim Great Wolf
There is no official space to daven here. In the past, people find a stairwell, or someone with a suite let’s people use their porch.
All coordination of minyanim at Great Wolf can be organized via this whatsapp group
If you are coming with a torah, please post it in the group description.
If no minyan forms, feel free to join Kalahari, but please donate to Chabad.